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Available in;

1) 10ml roller ($12)


As Hari Raya Haji comes to us differently in these pandemic times, our fellow Singaporean muslim brothers & sisters no longer have the opportunity to make their annual pilgrimage to the Mecca unlike previous years. And challenging it is, for many who may have planned their pilgrimage for years.


And as frustrating as it can be, sometimes we forget that, Allah knows best.

In light of pandemic times & upcoming Hari Raya Haji, I created this personal favourite blend of mine into a roller bottle which can be used to help with grounding of emotions; as a reminder to always be thankful & practise patience in trying times. 


I've curated Sacred Mountain Blend because it is a known grounding oil, that helps with calming down and being present at here and now; instead of following with our rage & angst. Plus, we've put hints of Lime because it helps refreshens & awakes the mind & senses, hopefully for us to always remember that He is always there for us, insyaAllah.


We hope this makes a great gift for yourself or your loved ones, who may need some support in the form of love, kind thoughts and essential oils. 

Grapeseed Oil, Sacred Mountain Blend (Black spruce, Ylang ylang, Balsam Canada needle oil, Cedarwood & Lime

Sabr&Shukr (Patience & Gratitude)



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